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7 Easy Ways to Support Women

It's International Women's Day! There is so much that needs to be done to achieve gender parity, but not everything has to be hard. Here are seven easy and actionable steps you can take to support women:

1. Interrupt the interrupter. Women are interrupted 30% more often than men. When this happens, interrupt that interrupter and direct the conversation back to the woman.

2. Stop referring to women as girls and correct people when they do.

3. Amplify women's voices. When a woman makes a key point, you can repeat it, both in the moment and in subsequent meetings while giving credit to its author.

4. Share your salary. The gender pay gap is significant and is not changing rapidly. Letting the women you work with know what you are making can be a huge step in parity.

5. Make room for women. How many boards are you on? If it is more than two, it is time to step off and advocate for a woman to be placed in that role.

6. Sponsor a woman. If you are in a position of power, bring women into your network and advocate for them for key assignments, roles, and opportunities.

7. Nominate a CEO-ready woman to CEOX!!